
  • Ketan Sondarva CAET, NAU, Dediapada-393040, Gujarat, India
  • Prashantkumar Shrivastava CAET, NAU, Dediapada-393040, Gujarat, India
  • Priti Jayswal KVK, JAU, Amreli-365601, Gujarat, India
  • Vibhuti Patel CAET, NAU, Dediapada-393040, Gujarat, India


water management, watershed


In a large watershed the surface runoff generated may significantly affects environment, agriculture, and the availability of flood potential (Jayswal et al., 2021) The runoff generated from the watershed runoff determines the soil erosion condition and other hydraulic properties of soil and alsopotential runoff availability for the water management. The runoff from a watershed can be measured using different methods and empirical models based on daily, monthly or annually depending on rainfall pattern, infiltration rate and the morphometric characteristics of the watershed (Sondarva et al.2023). There are several hydrological models available for estimation of runoff out of which most of the models requires large number of input data. The Natural Resources Conservation Service Curve Number (NRCS-CN) method which is formerly known as Soil conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN), is the one of the most reliable and oldest method for the estimation of runoff from 
precipitation. It can be used very effectively in the ArcGIS. When runoff estimation deals with the ungauged watershed, where such detailed information is seldom available. Perhaps the most popular technique for meeting this need is the curve number method developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Curve Number method estimates the direct runoff from storm rainfall based on data from watershed. This method is most relevant and it considers the physiographic and hydrologic condition of the watershed (Bans ode et al. 2014). One of the most significant advantages of this method is that it relies on single conceptual parameter called as maximum potential retention (S) or corresponding Curve Number. However, the CN method cannot respond to the differences in storm intensity and Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC). The error made in the selection of CN can reflect many folds in the estimation of runoff. 


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