Globalization and Socialization in Indian youths - A case study


  • Padma - - Delhi Education Centre D-397, Shyam Nagar, Kanpur-208013


globalization, socialization, Indian youths, case study


A survey based on 300 college going youths of narain P.G. College Shikohabad (U.P.) regarding their opinion about personal life in the age of globalization showed that majority of girls prefer the opinion of their relatives (70.45%) while boys prefer the consult with their friends or self decision (77.27 and 71.15% respectively) while going for marriages. 45.45% boys and 54.56% girls taking the help of Internet, 50% each with the help of matrimonial,41% boys and 59% girls prefer the help of magazines publishing matrimonial while 57% boys and 43% girls prefers all the modern devices while going to marriage. In response to inter-caste marriages 12% boys and 88% girls place it as very bad. The preference to choice of their life partner among boys, 51% preferred a service class life partner while among girls it was 48%. 89% boys prefer their life partner who care their parents means house wife. 79% girls prefer a capable partner. All the respondents showed their responsibilities for rearing of children’s and towards their parents.

Author Biography

  • Padma - -, Delhi Education Centre D-397, Shyam Nagar, Kanpur-208013


    Delhi Education Centre D-397, Shyam Nagar, Kanpur-208013


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